Tags: columbia


Columbia river, best experiences (part 5, final)

I don’t think any of the readers will disagree that there is not many things better than fighting a large fish in your favorite fishing spot – If you have your significant other to accompany you, you may be lucky enough to experience one of the other most satisfying experiences between bites. That can truly be the best of both worlds… Ok, back to fishing – focus… Much more than fighting a large fish, which I thank God, still after all these years, leaves me trembling with adrenalin and anxiety from time to time. The other things that equally are...


Columbia river USA, salmon fishing (part 4)

As sturgeon season concludes, we had a very slow (perhaps the worse in 25 years) start to the lower Columbia fishery. The past couple weeks however has improved considerably. We have caught some very nice fish the past two weeks, including three oversize, one of which was over nine feet and 350 lbs. WOW….. Although the overall numbers were down, I personally makes me cherish this very special fishery even that much more, when you get a chance to set the hook into a nice fish. A smaller fish “shaker or short” (under 41” fork length) which measures to the...


Columbia river USA, op steur en zalm (deel 3)

Dit artikel gaat over het echte plezier: het vissen zelf! Nu het huidige seizoen op zijn einde loopt zal ik eerst ingaan op het steurvissen in deze regio, hetgeen nogal anders is dan 45-60 km stroomopwaarts. Het materiaal: Persoonlijk heb ik een voorkeur voor mijn “Lamiglass” hengels die toevallig 100km van Astoria in Woodland gemaakt worden. Een medium actie geeft genoeg gevoeligheid om zelfs de meest voorzichtige aanbeet te voelen, maar genoeg body om een grote vis tot 3 meter en 350-400 pond te kunnen drillen. Op deze hengels zit ook een gegarandeerde gratis vervanging als je er één breekt...


Columbia river USA, sturgeon and salmon (part 3)

I am going to get into talking about the fun part this article, “fishing itself”. With the current season for Sturgeon coming to an end, I will focus first on some of the specifics of sturgeon fishing these waters, which is very different from fishing up river 30-40 miles. The gear: I personally prefer my “Lamiglass: brand fishing rods, which happen to be produced about 80 miles from Astoria in southern Washington State in Woodland. A medium action provides the sensitivity to feel the faintest nibble, yet enough backbone to handle a large fish, 8 – 10 feet in length...


Columbia river USA, species and regulations (part 2)

Greetings once again from the Pacific Northwest! Let me begin this segment by speaking of the various species for the sportsman and commercial fishing industry in the immediate area of Astoria, Oregon. Numerous Species of salmon are home to this area, Coho, (silver), Chinook, chum, red, are the most popular salmon species of this region. Steelhead, tuna, halibut, and a number of rockfish varieties are at our doorstep! Several varieties of trout, crab, clams, bass, white sturgeon and the now protected green sturgeon can be found within a few miles of this small community. Each person is required to have...